Reduce your carbon footprint

All our plants have been electrically driven the latest 20 years. Some of the plants can be delivered with a diesel generator (either on-board or on a lifting frame), but they can all be plugged in to mains. Hydraulics is only used for linear motions (such as jacking legs, catwalks and folding of conveyors) which reduces the risk of harmful leakages of hydraulic oil to a minimum.

As an example the fuel consumption per hour for the huge final screen SH 1502 is 5 litres when a diesel generator is used. Compared to hydraulically driven screeners the CO2-emission is reduced with 80% and the noise impact is lowered with 10 dB. If you run it on mains it uses 20 kWh per hour, which reduces the costs with 99%. (You can see some more examples below.) Electrical drive is not only profitable, it is about our environment and a question of credibility for the crush- and screening industry.

Reducing your carbon footprint benefits not only the planet but also raises your profit

Facts about diesel and CO2

  • Upon combustion, 1 litre of diesel produces about 3 kg of CO2
How can so much carbon dioxide be generated from one litre of diesel? Diesel (just like petrol) is composed of hydrocarbons. This means that the carbon atoms are bonded with hydrogen atoms. Upon combustion, the carbon atoms are released and instead bond with oxygen atoms to form CO2, i.e. carbon dioxide. Hydrogen atoms are very light (atomic weight = 1) and oxygen atoms are heavy (atomic weight = 16), which is why 1 litre of fuel gives rise to such a large amount of carbon dioxide.

Facts about electric power and CO2

  • 1 kWh produces about 20 g of CO2
Swedish power primarily consists of hydropower and nuclear power and is among the cleanest forms of electricity available. Coal-fired power gives rise to several hundred grams of CO2 per kWh, but is still a better alternative than diesel.

At many workplaces, either through pure stand-alone screening or screening in a crusher-line, it is easy to reduce CO2 emissions by 75% or more.

Environment and economy go hand-in-hand

The word ”economy” comes from a Greek word meaning ”judicious use of limited resources”. Based on this definition, running a business economically means working in a resource-efficient manner, in other words being environmentally aware. Reducing your CO2 footprint is not expensive; quite the opposite in fact. It saves money - savings that contribute more or less directly to your bottom line. We are proud to work with technology that enables environment and economy to go hand-in-hand.

SH 1502  Final screen

Electric drive (via mains): 20 kWh
Diesel-electric: 5 l/h

ECO3 Mobile screener

Electric drive (via mains): 12 kWh
Diesel-electric: 3 l/h

Would you like more information or a quotation?

Tomas Tärneberg
+46 (0)36-317405
Daniel Smedenman
+46 (0)709-508270

Contact us